Throughout this work, names are often followed with two sets of number. The first set includes the household number and Gen-Num reported in Burt and Jane Eubank’s Bandy Gallimaufry (1994). Although household numbers change from one edition of their work to the next, the Gen-Num remain constant. The inclusion of these numbers permits readers who have the Eubank’s book to trace references between the two works. The numbers permit all readers, whether they have the Eubanks’ book or not, to keep in mind the identity of specific individuals. As many individuals discussed here have the same names it can be difficult follow the discussion. The household number is associated with a particular family group (parents and children). The number listed is the adult household for the individual unless only the childhood household is known in which case it is used. The generation number (Gen - Num) is a code number associated with each individual.
The second set of numbers are the dates of birth and death for the individuals being discussed.
The discussion of descendants is presented in an outline format with indentation and bullets used to denote each generation. Thus, the first known generation is discussed. The discussion for each of their children is indented and marked with one bullet (·). The discussion of each grandchild follows and is double indented and marked with two bullets (??). Further indentation and bullets mark subsequent generations. In general, the book covers generations born before 1900.
Also included, is a transcription of census records from the first in 1790 through the ninth in 1870. The listing represents an attempt to report every individual named Bandy found in everyone of the first nine U. S. censuses. As explained later, the listing is judged relatively complete. If you have ever attempted to locate even one household in the U.S. census you will appreciate the advantage of this list.
As noted in the Preface, this book is organized by state. If you are not sure of the names of your early ancestors, you may know where your family is from. In general, the name Bandy is first found around Chesapeake Bay in Virginia beginning in the mid-1600's, in Maryland in the early 1700's, and it spread to North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky and perhaps on to Tennessee before the end of the 1700's. In the early and middle 1800's, the family spread to Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Iowa, Texas, and Wisconsin. A few individuals in are found in California, New York, Pennsylvania, and Louisiana. They may or may not be related to others with the name Bandy.